The Imperial Court of New York (ICNY) has announced its new slate of officers, following elections on September 3. Imperial Crown Prince Royale Opi N. Yated and Imperial Crown Princess Royale Madison Mansfield, beating Princess Royale Sugar B. Real, will be the next Emperor and Empress of New York, to be crowned at the gala Night of a Thousand Gowns in spring 2015. Emperor X Gabriel Della Notte remains ICNY President; Princess Royale La Diva is Secretary; Baron Minister of Magic Todd Catanzano, Baron Seth Xavier Bloodstone, Duchess Bobbi Marie Mu Mu Godness, Countess Caroline, Grand Duke Jim Darling, Marchioness Connie, and Princess Royale Marsha Dimes are Board Members at Large; and Empress XX Gefil Tefish is Minister of Protocol.