Two members of the rabidly antigay Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), one woman and one man, came from Topeka, Kansas to Times Square on January 18, bearing signs that read “Same Sex Marriage Dooms Nations,” “God H8s Fags,” “America Is Doomed,” and “USA’s Doom.”
Activists, including Ken Woodhouse, called for an LGBT counter presence, in general, as well as a Cherry Grove, Fire Island presence, in particular, and participants came bearing signs that read “Jesus Had 2 Dads,” “Jesus Taught Love, Not Hate,” “God Loves Everyone—That’s His Thing,” and “God Hates the WBC .” Ken estimated that the LGBT counter presence numbered approximately 200 strong.
Among the familiar Cherry Grove citizens seen were, beside Ken, Mike Turci, Linda from Island Breeze, Fran Reinhardt, Dr. Anna Tirado, Dale Lally and Steve, Greg McMullen and Steven Sandoval, Peter and Doug, and past Grovites Sioban Weiss, and Fluffy (Brian).