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photo courtesy of Joey Adami
Joey Adami
I packed my Halloween costume far back into my closet. In my mind, I buried all traces of the one-night stand even deeper, a spring cleaning in a chilly November, as I purged all things Daniel. The first attractive guy comes along and I'm balls-out with too many cocktails to recall and a hang-over too appalling to forget.
"I still can’t believe it!"
"Believe it Grady." I sat Indian-style on the floor as Grady lay face-up on my bed.
Clutching a pillow, he stared at the ceiling, repeating himself. "I just can’t believe it.”
"You said that already. Please, I feel bad as it is—say something. Yell at me. Anything!"
"We’re both sluts!"
It was true. Grady and I both had been caught up in that damn Halloween Funhouse. My mouth was on Daniel’s and Grady’s tongue was tangled up with someone’s other than his boyfriend’s “We go out for a evening and what do we do. We get mixed up swapping-spit with two semi-random guys,” I stated.
“It happened so fast,” Grady recalled. He jumped up from the bed and started frantically pacing. “I went in with Marc. It was flashing so—the lights, the fog, all those mirrors—and I could hardly see.”
“Tell me about it” The innocence in my voice almost had me convinced.
“It was not Marc, who I thought was with me. I made out with some other guy the whole time. I come out in a daze, hearing Marc ask, where did I go, what happened?”
“Well Daniel, he tricked me. I knew it was him and played right along, and then it got weird. I thought he was joking,” I replied. So what, if my recounting of the crime scene was a bit shaded, I'm paid to be colorful.
“I blame Luke for this”
“It’s not his fault, Grady. Here,fold some laundry. It will help us think”
“Think of what?”
“A way to get out of this, and you, being my best friend, always lie if it ever comes up in conversation.”
“I thought Will is your best friend?”
I threw the match to the sock he was holding. “Let’s just say we are now a match made in Heaven.”
“You mean hell,” he frowned.

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