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QFEST - Getting Past the Lock on "Leo's Room" at QFest
photo courtesy of QFest
Martin Rodriguez (foreground) & Gerardo Begerez in ''Leo's Room''

Enrique Buchichio's debut film "Leo's Room" ("El Cuarto de Leo," Uruguay, Argentina 2009, 92 minutes) tells the story of Leo (Martín Rodríguez) and his impenetrable bedroom, a metaphor for his resistance to letting anyone get close to him, including his mother (Mirella Pascual) and his ex-girlfriend, Andrea (Carolina Alarcón), not to mention the men he encounters.

Although Leo is a college student, he lacks the motivation to finish, even though writing his thesis is all that stands between him and graduation. At Andrea's urging, Leo begins therapy sessions with psychologist Juan (Arturo Goetz) in an effort to solve his problems, including coming to terms with his homosexuality in a macho Latino society. It is only with much difficulty that he eventually admits to Juan that he has slept with a man.

Leo meets up with Caro (Cecilia Cósero) again, many years after they've been schoolmates, and learns that she is also beset with psychological problems. With this in common, they become close friends, caring for one another and helping each other along the bumpy road of life.

Leo tries connecting with other men on line, but avoids one when he sees him in person, rejects another when it becomes evident to him that they're incompatible, and never gives any of them his real name, until he meets hunky Seba (Gerardo Begérez), with whom he could potentially pursue a relationship, if only ...

The other important person in Leo's life is his stoner roommate, Felipe (Rafael Soliwoda), perpetually glued to the television, but possible aware of more about Leo than he lets on.

See "Leo's Room" at one of its Philadelphia premiere screenings, at the Ritz East, 125 South Second Street, in Theater One, on July 12 at 7:15 p.m. or 14 at 5 p.m., thanks to QFest, the GLBT film festival, which runs through July 19. Visit http://www.qfest.com for further information.

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