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GUYFRIDAY: Lost & Found
photo courtesy of Joey Adami
Joey Adami
Meanwhile, back at my apartment, the conversation between Chance and me changed in an instant. This relationship was like a hangover: it started off wonderful, got a bit fuzzy in the middle, and now, I'm choking on words that I can hardly keep down.
Chance was the one who now had nothing to say. He got up from the sofa.
" How about we go for a drink and relax?" I asked, rising to meet his eyes.
" And who is going to pay?" he shot back.
I guess I deserved that, considering I already opened this can of worms.
" I can sleep with you, pick you up on a Friday night, but I don't get inside here," he shot again, poking his two fingers over my heart.
Stumbling over words, I got dry-mouthed and tongue-tied.
" Look, I'm going to head out," he said, gathering his keys and jacket.
" You don't have to go"
"Yes I do," he replied, closing the door behind him.
I laid under the covers for what felt like hours, only to see the red neon of my alarm clock blink 1:45. Maybe I will never let my guard down, remove all the pad-locks and combinations into my heart, but Chance, for a brief few moments, made it over the moat. Maybe sometimes it takes the strength of a possible knight in armor to save you from the dark tower of singleness and set you free.
As I banged away the last of my review, Jinx, my cat, never stirred from his sleep. Having finished "What Do You Got To Lose, But Your Heart," I typed away, as force and speed filled my fingers. If I had to review such lousy literary nonsense, at least it would be from my own perspective. How much more do you have to lose, is really the question, rather than a catchy title, and I was damned if I knew the answer.

8:30 a.m.
"You're late," Jaden, my editor, greeted me as I entered his office. As I watched him closing the door, his electric blue dress-shirt hugged an athletic frame underneath. "But," he stated, looking me in the eye, "I can overlook that, because your review is dynamite."
A sigh of relief filled my lungs as I smiled back at him, handing me a copy of my work.
I felt his hand on mine a little longer then expected and saw his face, no more than an inch from mine, as he bent forward. I closed my eyes, felt my heart bang, and took a deep breath...

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