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GUYFRIDAY: The Plunge: Part One
photo courtesy of Joey Adami
Joey Adami
Heading for a date with Chance-I never thought that would be the last time I would see him. Just when life seemed back to normal, and I was just about to take a deep breath, my head and heart sank to the bottom once again.

Friday Night Fellas
Any single guy living between two of the ultimate geographical locations, the city and the sea, has a ton to be thankful for. For one, in Manhattan, going a stone's toss away can lead to unexpected possibilities at every sidewalk turn. For the sea, a quick ferry ride to Fire Island and you're whisked away to this egocentric far-away dimple on the map.

Filling either bag, this season's Marc Jacobs briefcase satchel for Uptown, or the old-school messenger bag, tossed over the shoulder, for the beach is essential for the like-minded male, but nothing, compares to the most important accessories, your best guy-friends.

Fumbling out of bed every morning for the 7:30 train to Penn Station, Grady never minded the commute. True to his pristine, prep school view of sex or romance, Grady rarely dipped his spoon in anything but vanilla.

With his power-workout body on his six-foot-two frame, Luke is the iconic alpha-male homo. A crest-white strip smirk, Luke moved, breathed and talked sex. Hiding his panic of relationships under three-hundred-and-twenty-five buck jeans, he never looked back, well only for a brief second, to see who was eyeing him.

After living in California, Will returned to New York to pursue advertising. After much convincing, the end of a relationship and the thought of a new career brought Will home. A date with Luke's ex unpacked more then he was ready for.

The dangerously handsome editor has a sharp eye for detail and the quarry seems to be his new employee.

As for me, a second floor walk-up is what I, along with my cat, Jinx, call home. I have had just about enough burnout romances tucked under my retro Wrangler belt to call it quits.

Having friends to keep, dates to make, and deadlines to meet, I keep a closet and phone book full of grand numbers and vintage loves, in my attempt to find the perfect match. My face, always pressed up against the window of the fabulous life, finally takes the leap, headfirst.
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