The Eagle NYC bar held its annual colorful and hot Halloween Party on October 31. James Andersen was the DJ. Costumers came as royalty; witches, demons, and death; and figures from antiquity, mythology, films, television, and comic books.
The highlight of the evening was a highly competitive costume contest, hosted by Witti Repartee and, elected just four weeks earlier, Mr. Eagle NYC 2016 Q. Witti opened the contest by singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” Ursula the Sea Witch’s song from “The Little Mermaid,” and later sang “The Monster Mash.” With Witti, Q, and Mr. Eagle NYC 2014 CeeJay Lyons judging, winners were Winifred Sanderson, Bette Midler’s character from “Hocus Pocus,” awarded a $1,000 cash prize; a quartet of “American Psycho” butchers, nearly nude but for bloody body paint and weapons, dividing a $350 runner-up prize; and Skeletor, receiving a $150 second runner-up prize. Other contenders meriting mention included Mr. Fire Island Leather 2007 Diego Vargas’ Zulu, an elaborate creation of feathers and animal prints; a trio of sheep and their cowboy; a silvery unicorn; and a Captain America.
Photo by Bruce-Michael Gelbert
Village People (insets clockwise from top left - "American Psycho" butchers, unicorn & Mr. Eagle NYC 2014 CeeJay Lyons, sheep & cowboy, Messrs Fire Island Leather 2001 Bruce-Michael & 2007 Diego Vargas as Zulu - photo by Topher)
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